Job Control
- kill %<PID> kill a process
- kill -QUIT %<PID> kill a process, a bit stronger
- kill -KILL %<PID> unconditionally kill a process
- fg bring a background job into the foreground
- jobs list jobs running
- ps process information
File permissions (owner, group, others)
- 0 ---
- 1 --x
- 2 -w-
- 3 -wx
- 4 r--
- 5 r-x
- 6 rw-
- 7 rwx
- * matches zero or more characters
- ? matches any one character
- [abc...] matches any of the characters specified
- [a-z] matches any character in the specified range
- [!abc...] matches any character other than those specified
- [!a-z] matches any character not in the specified range
- ~ home directory of current user
- ~userid home directory of a user
- ~+ current working directory
- ~- previous working directory
- 'xxx' interprereted literally, variables not substituted
- "xxx" interprereted literally, variables ARE substituted
- `xxx` output of xxx command replaces it
Command line special characters
- # comment
- ; command seperator
- & run in background
- \ command continued on next line
- | pipe
Input/Output Redirectors
- prog > file stdout to file
- prog 2> file stderr to file
- prog >> file concatenates stdout to file
- prog 2>> file concatenates stderr to file
- prog > file 2>&1 stdout and stderr to file
- prog >> file 2>&1 concatenates stdout and stderr to file
- prog < file stdin from file
- prog << text reads stdin until a line matching text is found, then EOF posted ("here document")
- prog | prog2 pipe stdout
- prog 2>&1 | prog2 pipe stdout and stderr
Command Line Movement
- Ctrl+Shift+N open new console window
- Crtl+Alt+F[1-7] go to virtual console 1-6 or X(7)
- Ctrl+Alt+Backspace stop X and go to console
- Alt+B Back one word
- Alt+F Forward one word
- Ctrl+A Beginning of line
- Ctrl+E End of line
- Alt+D Delete word |------------->X
- Ctrl+D Delete char
- Ctrl+K Delete |------------->X
- Ctrl+U Delete X<-----------|
- Ctrl+L Clear screen
- Ctrl+Y UNDO
- ESC+. Insert last word of previous command
- TAB Possible completions
- /server join a server
- /join join a channel
- /quit quit the server
- /close close the current screen
- /part leave the current channel
- /partall leave all channels
- /msg msg a user with a new window
- /notice msg a user without a new window
- /query force a window open to msg a user
- /chat DCC with a user
- /dns dns lookup for a user
- /ping ping a user
- /me *** does something
- /whois query whois for a user
Ctrl Keys
- Ctrl+C intr: stop current command
- Ctrl+D eof: end of input
- Ctrl+\ quit: stop current command (if Ctrl+C doesn't work)
- Ctrl+S stop: halt output to screen
- Ctrl+Q resume output to screen
- Ctrl+Z suspend current command (works well with bg, fg and jobs)
Escape Sequences
- \a alert (bell)
- \b backspace
- \c omit final newline
- \E escape character
- \f formfeed
- \n newline
- \r return
- \t tab
- \v vertical tab
- \xxx ASCII in octal
- \\ backslash
- -c create
- -r append
- -t list contents
- -x extract
- -a append files
- -v verbose
- -z zip/unzip
- -f use filename
- Oft-used:
- tar -cf foo.tar foo; gzip foo.tar
- gunzip bar.tar.gz; tar -xvf bar.tar