Friday, April 06, 2007

My .bashrc file

export TERM="xterm-color" # xterm terminal emulation (with color -- be sure to put at top of file on Ubuntu)
export PYTHONSTARTUP="$HOME/" # python startup file
set -o vi # sets vi command-line editing mode
bind -m vi-command -r 'v' # so that every time you hit v in command mode, an editor doesn't launch
ulimit -c unlimited # dump core files, no matter how big they are
export EDITOR="vi" #use vi as the default editor for some commands, like "fc"

alias screen='TERM=screen screen' # workaround for screen backspace bug

alias d="date '+%r -- %A, %D'" # human-readable date output

alias ll="ls -lh" # long listing (with human-readable file sizes)
alias lr="ls -ltrh" # list by reverse modification time
alias la="ls -Ah" # list hidden files (except implied . and ..)

alias <name>="cd <important>" # get to important directories fast
alias <name>="ssh <login>@<important>" # log into oft-used remote machines fast

# prevent myself from doing stupid things with vi
function vi {
if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
vim "$1"
elif [ -d "$1" ]; then
cd "$1"
elif [[ -c "$1" || -b "$1" || -p "$1" || -S "$1" || ! -r "$1" ]]; then
file "$1"
vim "$1"

The following I only enable on Solaris systems:
export PAGER="less" #uses less to view manpages instead of more


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